Command line program that generates odd magic squares given the length of the side.
There's also a downloadable presentation where you can see, step by step, how an odd order magic square is filled.
License: GPLv3

magic-square(src).zip |
Size: 16.24 KB |
Creation date: 06/11/2019 |
Last update: 08/05/2023 |
Downloads: 1044 |
SHA1: af3d47b736eb30cef 071de7e16eeaaba001c6fc2 |
magic-square(bin).zip |
Size: 20.21 KB |
Creation date: 06/11/2019 |
Last update: 08/05/2023 |
Downloads: 551 |
SHA1: f5f814ab8f8aaecc7 f39a05711459f8639687c52 | |
Size: 22.98 KB |
Creation date: 04/07/2023 |
Last update: 05/07/2023 |
Downloads: 21 |
SHA1: ee01c6bb773f4abf0 2e6f55234b57bd50d355355 |
* You can download the item for free selecting "0 euro", but a donation would be greatly appreciated to keep its development, and also cover hosting costs. Thanks!